The tightly constructed story unfolds chronologically in scenes of varying length that end and begin abruptly, and are separated by a few seconds of black. As...
The Golden Globes really are back. After a scandal-ridden few years that had the Golden Globes on the ropes, that awards body’s influence could be felt...
The road to the Oscars officially started today with the announcement of the nominees for the 97th Academy Awards. Among the closely watched categories, particularly in...
Bertrand Blier, an acclaimed director whose films scandalized, captivated and entertained 1970s and ’80s France with their sometimes brutal projections of French men’s sexual imaginations, died...
The nominees for the 97th Academy Awards were announced on Thursday morning and an unusually high number of them are still exclusively in theaters, including the...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences showered little-seen movies rooted in progressive politics with nominations for the 97th Oscars on Thursday. “Emilia Pérez,” a...
After a delay following the fires in Los Angeles, the nominations for the 97th Academy Awards are being announced on, and the Academy’s TikTok,...
The director Aurélie Saada, a singer making her feature filmmaking debut, has said that “Rose” was inspired by a dinner gathering at which her grandmother, recently...
The movie trailer hit heavy rotation on N.F.L. playoff broadcasts and elsewhere earlier this month. A pilot played by Mark Wahlberg is flying a federal agent...
Sometimes, when I poll Oscar voters about the films and performances they plan to nominate, they turn the tables on me. “What do you want to...