TV, Film Mistakes Captured on Social Media

While TV shows and movies have teams dedicated to making sure nothing goes wrong on the production side, things slip through the cracks from time to time. That’s where fans come in.
Over the years, viewers have pointed out the entertainment industry’s mishaps including the famous Starbucks cup of 2019 that popped up in a Game of Thrones scene.
While Twitter users have been quick to find mistakes in their favorite shows and film franchises, TikTok users have been faster. With tabs dedicated to spotting fashion blunders and continuity issues, TikTok has become the go-to place to reveal errors what many have missed.
With streaming services at fans’ fingertips and the ability to binge anything from a laptop or phone, the inconsistencies in shows, including Gossip Girl and Friends, have been hard to miss.
Movies, including Avengers: Endgame, have also fallen victim to the postproduction fail a time or two.
Scroll down to relive some of the funniest TV and film mistakes that have been captured on social media.