There really was a woman who photocopied her butt at a workplace in the 1980s. Curtis Sittenfeld, 49, heard about the incident when she was a...
Melody Beattie, whose experiences as a drug addict, a chemical dependency counselor and the wife of an alcoholic informed a best-selling book about codependence that has...
Fifteen years after her blockbuster novel “The Help” sparked conversation and criticism for its portrayal of the lives of Black maids in the South, Kathryn Stockett...
The archives of The New Yorker, housed at the New York Public Library, consist of more than 2,500 boxes of manuscripts, letters, page proofs, cartoons, art,...
Pierre Joris, a poet and translator who tackled some of the 20th century’s most difficult verse, rendering into English the complex work of the German-Romanian poet...
A forthcoming romance novel by the writer Sophie Lark was pulled by her publisher after drawing criticism from readers over dialogue that some found racist or...
For years before she published “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Harper Lee wrote short stories with themes that she would later explore in that now-classic novel: small...
Laura Sessions Stepp, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for The Washington Post whose reporting on teenage sex and “hookup” culture on college campuses explored in strikingly intimate...
John Casey, a writer of lyric yet taut prose in novels, essays and short stories who won the National Book Award in 1989 for “Spartina,” the...
Kadiatou is the former housekeeper of Chiamaka, a.k.a. Chia, a beautiful travel writer (she’s a fan of Jan Morris) with an anxious attachment style, who Zooms...