Nearly three decades after Wes Craven‘s 1996 release of “Scream” — the horror film surrounding a group of Woodsboro High School students, plagued by a harrowing...
Ric Flair‘s stepson, Sebastian Kidder, an up-and-coming musician, has tragically died at the age of 24 after taking his own life, his mother Wendy Barlow confirmed...
Timothée Chalamet supporting fans calling themselves by his name … pulling up to an impromptu look-alike contest in NYC — and, driving the crowd wild. Here’s...
It’s the time of year where even Hollywood A-listers wanna be someone else — with many of them throwing on makeup and donning costumes for Halloween...
Luke Combs, Eric Church and more country stars teamed up for a good cause … and, they raised a ton of money for people affected by...
Play video content Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe is taking some heat after his appearance at Donald Trump‘s Madison Square Garden rally … cracking a joke about Puerto...
Shohei Ohtani‘s injury stunned fans into silence at Dodger Stadium Saturday night … but, it seems to excite some Yankees fans — who broke into raucous...
Play video content The 2024 college basketball season is about to begin … and Dan Hurley tells TMZ Sports his UConn program is running at...
Tragic news for the Cleveland Browns — beloved play-by-play announcer Jim Donovan has passed away at 68 years old after a battle with chronic lymphocytic leukemia....
John Legend was all smiles with his kids after the exhilarating World Series game 1 ending … and Chrissy Teigen took a moment to give him...