Tyler Mitchell was only 23 in 2018, when his portrait of Beyoncé became the first Vogue cover by a Black photographer. Already established, he was suddenly...
Access to the family piano and Mitchell’s 1972 album “For the Roses” served as gateway drugs; in high school, Lisicky started to compose his own songs,...
WHY, INDEED, HAVE writers been so drawn to the color? According to surveys, blue is by far the world’s most popular hue, regardless of geography or...
Ninety minutes later, a second show was set to begin at the nearby Intuit Dome, featuring Eilish, Rodrigo, Lady Gaga and others. Producers split the lineup...
▶ Listen on Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube 5. Devo: “Gates of Steel” “I had never heard the song before this year and it has stuck...