The average ticket price for “Othello” was $303.15 last week — down from previous weeks because of free seats for journalists attending press performances and guests...
The George Foreman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine was the kitchen appliance America didn’t know it needed. When it arrived in the mid-1990s, Food Network...
The new district attorney of Los Angeles County said he would ask a court to withdraw a resentencing petition put forward by his predecessor in the...
A trove of old masters put together by Thomas A. Saunders III, a former chairman of the influential conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, and his...
George Clooney has been sneaking outside to smoke. Not like his friend Barack Obama used to, when he was running for president and his wife, Michelle,...
Chaos erupted aboard a Frontier Airlines flight from Denver to Houston this week when a man started bashing a window and several seats around him, prompting...
It’s a test tube ballet: an experiment that at first glance might seem like pining for the past. But while Alexei Ratmansky’s new production of “Paquita”...
New York City Ballet dancers trickled onstage in mismatched sweatshirts, down vests, practice tutus and leg warmers at the start of a rehearsal for Alexei Ratmansky’s...
A United Airlines flight from Houston to New York was evacuated on Sunday morning because of flames coming from an engine, video shows. Flight 1382 was...
Feb. 14, 1981 Funky 4 + 1 Invited by the host and “Rapture” hitmaker Debbie Harry of Blondie, the Funky 4 + 1 became the first...