REBELLION 1776, by Laurie Halse Anderson Writers of historical fiction for children face a unique challenge: taking customs and language of a time very different from...
Prickly, eccentric, endlessly complex — the Brazilian novelist Clarice Lispector (1920-77) has remained a bundle of contradictions years after her death. Lispector was idolized for her...
Mr. Layton lends her gardening books, teaches her how to care for seedlings, and demonstrates how to pack delicate grapes and pears away for the winter....
Uri Shulevitz, a Polish-born children’s book author and illustrator who survived a harrowing childhood traversing Europe to escape the Nazis and wove those experiences into arresting...
This weekend (Feb. 22 to be exact) marks the centenary of the birth of Edward Gorey, an artist whose work has wielded a ridiculous amount of...
We’re all influenced by how we see the world. Sometimes that view is clear and sometimes it’s a bit fuzzy. Adjusting our “lens” can help us...
If you asked me to make a list of children’s book topics that have the potential to go horribly wrong, love would be right at the...
In the past few years, my journeys have taken me around the world. My audiences are mostly young people in middle school and high school. No...
Rodari insists on literature and creative writing’s centrality to a child’s schooling, and urges us to approach the subjects with a sense of delight and an...
COUSINS IN THE TIME OF MAGIC, by Emma Otheguy; illustrated by Poly Bernatene Time travel can be a funny thing. A risky one, too. When it...