Melody Beattie, whose experiences as a drug addict, a chemical dependency counselor and the wife of an alcoholic informed a best-selling book about codependence that has...
Awards shows can be fertile terrain for high-profile displays of affection. On Sunday, the Oscars were the site of what appeared to be a relationship soft...
Ride-Share Roulette Another rider joins the Lyft pool. Now I might be late for my date. “Mustafa?” the new rider asks. “Yes. Melissa?” Wait a minute,...
When Samaiya Mushtaq was growing up, she imagined marrying a kind Muslim man, and at 21, she did. But while studying to become a psychiatrist in...
Laura Sessions Stepp, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for The Washington Post whose reporting on teenage sex and “hookup” culture on college campuses explored in strikingly intimate...
When Geraldine Oluoha went out to dinner with her then-boyfriend just before her 21st birthday in August 2023, she had no idea the evening would become...
Similarly, he and the woman at pickleball might bond over the fact that they’re both navigating relationships with people struggling with addictions, but he seems to...
I’d argue that the finest a man can look is after he has received a fresh hairstyle at a barbershop or salon. Many would agree, including...
Her Rainbow Baby Mom told me I was her rainbow baby long before she knew I was queer. I was the child after miscarriage, a rainbow,...
In the movie “His Three Daughters,” Carrie Coon’s character, Katie, has rigid ideas about who her sisters are and what they’re capable of. When the women...