Thomas Hoobler, who with his wife, Dorothy Hoobler, wrote 103 books across a vast range of subjects, including young-adult biographies of Margaret Mead, mystery novels set...
COUNTING BACKWARDS, by Binnie Kirshenbaum Halfway through Binnie Kirshenbaum’s gutsy, funny, heart-wrenching novel “Counting Backwards,” Addie, an artist, switches media. Gone are the collages that made...
Dear readers, To live in this city is sometimes to be subject to random, unheralded encounters with the great and the good: a sitcom star fumbling...
UNSHRUNK: A Story of Psychiatric Treatment Resistance, by Laura Delano Laura Delano was 13, a studious, budding squash champion in Greenwich, Conn., when she looked in...
Green also traces the history of the disease, which is caused by bacteria, usually attacks the lungs and for centuries indiscriminately killed both the rich and...
Robert E. Ginna Jr., a founding editor of People magazine, a book editor and a film producer whose 1952 Life magazine article provoked a frenzy by...
REBELLION 1776, by Laurie Halse Anderson Writers of historical fiction for children face a unique challenge: taking customs and language of a time very different from...
Since her nomination to the Supreme Court, Justice Amy Coney Barrett has faced scrutiny from all sides. She weathered a swift and strong backlash from former...
Whenever I talk about fantasy, readers hear it with a capital F. They conjure images of wizards and magic, dragons and fictional maps. And while there...
When the hard-boiled private-eye detective story was born about a hundred years ago, the United States was a few years removed from a pandemic, grappling with...