The hit Netflix series Squid Game shares a surprising connection to Dancing With the Stars through actress Reagan To. While fans may recognize To, 13, as...
Mike White’s anthology series The White Lotus is returning for another star-studded season. “Reflecting on [the show’s] humble, run-and-gun origin as a contained pandemic production, it’s...
Jeff Probst is hyping up Survivor 47’s upcoming final Tribal Council. “The finale of Survivor 47 offers a fantastic two-hour conclusion to a great season,” the...
Tom Sandoval‘s girlfriend, Victoria Lee Robinson, is walking back her claims that he cheated with her best friend. “I would like to sincerely apologize for my...
A new glimpse into Shifting Gears proves it’s Tim Allen‘s way — or the highway. In Us Weekly‘s exclusive first look at the ABC sitcom, Allen’s character,...
The White Lotus is open for business early next year. HBO announced on Monday, December 16, that the highly anticipated third season of The White Lotus...
Dancing With the Stars pros, and some season 33 contestants, are gearing up for their 2025 tour — and Us Weekly has an exclusive first look....
Fresh off winning the Heisman Trophy, University of Colorado star Travis Hunter addressed a viral moment from the ceremony involving his fiancée, Leanna Lenee. At the...
Yellowstone’s on-set photographer Emerson Miller has watched Taylor Sheridan’s hit Western drama series unfold since day one, and now that season 5 has come to an...
Drake is the latest celebrity to support a lookalike contest in his honor. The rapper, 38, said he would award $10,000 to the winner of a...