ABC is banking on sitcom icons Tim Allen and Kat Dennings in their upcoming series Shifting Gears. Allen and Dennings star in the upcoming series, which...
Dancing With the Stars is back after a two-week hiatus — and it’s time to celebrate 500 episodes! Join the conversation below! The six remaining couples...
Get Over It may not have been a critical or commercial success when it was released in 2001, but thanks to a cast full of future...
The Golden Bachelorette’s Pascal Ibgui is speaking out after throwing shade at castmate Chock Chapple during a recent interview. Following his self-elimination on the October 30...
Donnie Wahlberg is back in action as the host of Very Scary People — and come 2025, his wife, Jenny McCarthy, will be joining him for...
The Real Housewives of New York City cast are trying out an unexpected new group activity — and Us Weekly has the first look. During the...
There was one episode of Boy Meets World that actor Rider Strong said was “so miserable” to film. During a recent episode of the “Pod Meets...
Nobody will stop Married at First Sight’s Michelle from being honest about her newlywed experience. In Us Weekly’s exclusive sneak peek of the Tuesday, November 12,...
At the end of the day, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are just fired-up members of Chiefs Kingdom. Kelce, 35, appeared on Chiefs’ radio play-by-play announcer...
Season 2 of Hulu’s The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives has seemingly paved the way for Taylor Frankie Paul and Dakota Mortensen to reunite after their...