“The Brutalist,” the epic starring Adrien Brody as a Holocaust survivor and architect, took home the top drama prize at the Golden Globes on Sunday, triumphing...
James Lee Williams, a drag performer and winner of the inaugural season of “RuPaul’s Drag Race UK” who was best known by the stage name The...
When I started following Nikki Glaser in early December as she began putting together her Golden Globes monologue, she planned a joke that never made it...
Kieran Culkin has earned his second Golden Globe, his first in a movie category, for his work in “A Real Pain.” In the film, which was...
Just five days into 2025 and award season is already back in full swing with what is considered the boozier, looser and more casual show of...
The Lake Como Design Festival is a cultural spree held every fall among the toothy hills of northern Italy. For the latest edition, the theme was...
Jan. 5, 2025, 5:30 p.m. ET The Beverly Hilton was being readied for the ceremony last week.Credit…Daniel Cole/Reuters The Globes, long an ungodly mess, have seemingly...
In the movie “The Substance,” Demi Moore plays an entertainer in her 50s so intent on hanging onto stardom that she signs up to take a...
CARAMANICA At Coachella in 2023, you brought out José Feliciano. I wonder when you think of the Puerto Rican music of the ’70s and the ’80s,...
“A journalist finds himself in the woods.” Marc Da Costa, a digital artist with a Ph.D. in anthropology, was speaking from the controls of an artificial...