The new show “Dead as a Dodo” opens with the word “Bone!” Followed by “Death! Death! Death!” This isn’t the kind of dialogue you’d expect from...
▶ Listen on Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube 5. Devo: “Gates of Steel” “I had never heard the song before this year and it has stuck...
A celebrated artwork by the environmental artist Mary Miss will be demolished by the museum that commissioned it. On Tuesday, the Des Moines Art Center reached...
Symara Sarai, like a hurricane, tore up the stage in her aptly named solo “I want it to rain inside.” She made it storm. In another...
WITCHCRAFT FOR WAYWARD GIRLS, by Grady Hendrix What is a wayward girl? In American history, waywardism was a capacious category, large enough to contain all of...
A CALAMITY OF NOBLE HOUSES, by Amira Ghenim; translated by Miled Faiza and Karen McNeil Little is known about the personal life of Tahar Haddad, the...
“Small towns don’t forgive easily,” Lange writes. “Even when they do, they never forget.” In alternating sections, we watch Kyle and Casey fall in love as...
THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE RAPE KIT: A True Crime Story, by Pagan Kennedy In 2021, the Smithsonian acquired something called the Vitullo Evidence Collection Kit...
Filmed from 2018 to 2022, the sobering documentary “In the Shadow of Beirut” tracks four families living in poverty in the capital of Lebanon. The directors,...
On the cover of his latest album, Alexandre Kantorow’s left arm falls back behind a piano bench. A wave builds slowly from his dangled palm, up...