As a child in the 1930s, Jules loved radio dramas and newspaper comic strips. In his 2010 memoir, “Backing Into Forward,” he cited as influences the...
Joel Paley, a dancer, playwright and director who wrote the book and lyrics for “Ruthless!,” an award-winning Off Broadway musical about an ambitious girl who will...
He grew up listening to county hoedowns on the radio, learning Bach preludes and fugues and studying music theory, harmony and counterpoint. He first played in...
New Year, new reading goals. It’s that season again when anything feels possible: Maybe this is the year you’ll finally tackle that dust-laden copy of “Infinite...
DARK LABORATORY: On Columbus, the Caribbean, and the Origins of the Climate Crisis, by Tao Leigh Goffe The slow-motion disaster that is climate change started with...
Jazz Is Dead initially brought Taylor to the United States in 2022 for his very first American shows. The singer and actress Janelle Monáe was among...
‘Problemista’ (2024) Stream it on Max. The comedian Julio Torres writes, directs and stars in this gleefully absurd, semi-surreal combination of outsider comedy and New York...
If there is anything most entertainers master, it’s how to juggle gigs. In New York City, they may have sidelines in real estate or hospitality. In...
Hygge lives on at the Minnesota Orchestra. Visitors stepping into Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis on a recent, frigid Saturday were greeted with a roaring fireplace and...
Welcome to Best of Late Night, a rundown of the previous night’s highlights that lets you sleep — and lets us get paid to watch comedy....