Leo Woodall is the first to admit that he doesn’t know a lot about math. In the new mini-series “Prime Target,” streaming on Apple TV+, the...
In a new memoir out next week, the singer-songwriter Neko Case shares some painful childhood memories. In the studio with Anna Martin, Case is open and...
The children seem like typical kindergartners: Some beam at the camera; some glance coyly aside; others appear lost in reverie. One slim, dark-haired girl in a...
“He froze the federal hiring bill … something about genders … and he said Cuba is a state-sponsored terrorist now? He renamed a mountain … dishwashers...
Ever so self-effacingly, Garth Hudson breathed history into songs. At his magisterial Lowrey organ, he summoned Bach, hymns, the gospel church or a circus calliope. At...
It’s not easy to capture a social and cultural hub, but the writer and director Matthew Gasda gave it a good try in “Dimes Square” (2022),...
In Han Kang’s latest novel, a character saws off the tips of two of her fingers in a woodworking accident. Surgeons reattach them but the treatment...
MONA ACTS OUT, by Mischa Berlinski If not for the opiates in her system, or the weed she vaped to boost the pills’ effect, Mona Zahid...
“Prime Target,” an eight-episode thriller premiering Wednesday on Apple TV+, has the juicy vibe of a novel you might pick up at an airport and rip...
▶ Listen on Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube 4. Roy Orbison: “In Dreams” The most unforgettable musical scene in “Blue Velvet,” though, starts with a song...