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Biggest ‘Big Brother’ Fights: Keesha’s Birthday, More Blowups



Biggest ‘Big Brother’ Fights: Keesha’s Birthday, More Blowups

Angela Murray and Matt Hardeman got off to a rocky start. After winning the first Head of Household competition of the 2024 season, Angela made a joke that Matt was sure to have a showmance. Matt took the comment as proof that Angela was trying to paint a target on his back and started telling other houseguests that Angela would no doubt nominate him for eviction.

Angela attempted to clear the air and told Matt that she had no intention of targeting him, but he still chose to tell the reigning HoH that nominating him would be a mistake as he would win the veto or the BB AI arena comp, take himself off the block and go after her the following week.

An admittedly “sleep-deprived” Angela went on to call out Matt in front of half the house, accusing him of “aggressively” threatening her and repeatedly calling him “Crazy Eyes.” She stood on the staircase looking down at the group gathered in the kitchen as she delivered a speech that she’d previously practiced in the HoH room. 

“Crazy eyes! You have fricking crazy eyes,” she said, pointing at Matt. “I would love for the houseguests to know how Crazy Eyes, how he very aggressively — aggressively, Matt — threatened me verbally in my room in our one-on-one [conversation].”

Angela also called Matt a “cocky, crazy-eyed boy” and said she’d had a “traumatic experience” with him.

“You’re calling me Crazy Eyes?” Matt said in response. He suggested that he and Angela hash it out and get “clarity,” but she told him she didn’t want to talk to him. 

“Your words are s—t, so you should just put it back in your ass,” Angela said.