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Brat Summer: How To Explain Charli XCX Trend 



Brat Summer: How To Explain Charli XCX Trend 

If you spend a lot of time on social media, like to stay on top of trends or you’re a regular reader of Us (hi!), you’re probably pretty familiar with the Charli XCX-inspired “brat summer” trend by now.

But not everyone is like Us. Some people are still really confused by brat. But with the term going truly mainstream, they’re seeing restaurant chains, nonprofits and even politicians sharing social posts in the color that will forevermore be known as “brat green” and they’re wondering what in the name of brat is going on.

These poor brat-deprived people are missing out! It’s time to help them out …

How to Explain Brat to … Your Dad

Dad: “Honey, I’m reading that Obama likes a song by Charli XTC so everyone is saying he’s brat, is this something I should be listening to?”

You: “It’s Charli XCX and you could check it out but I’m not sure it’s your thing. You know Cher has a new album dropping soon though?”

Dad: “Don’t patronize me. Cher isn’t brat is she?”

You: “Well, actually, she kind of is. People who are brat are kind of cool and sexy and fun and don’t care what anyone thinks.”

Dad: “How can Cher and Charli XYZ and a former president all be brat?”

You: “XCX! And I don’t make the rules, Dad, they just are. It’s an attitude, it’s a culture, it’s a way of life. I like to think I’m a little brat too.”

Dad: “It’s funny because that’s what we called you when you were growing up”

You: “Love you too!”

How to Explain Brat to … Your Grandma

Grandma: “So, tell me sweetheart, what are the young people interested in this year? Your gen zebras and millenniums? I like to stay with it”

You: “I know you do Grandma. Well, there’s this cool singer called Charli XCX…”

Grandma: “That sounds like drugs. You’re not doing drugs are you?”

You: “Of course not Grandma. It’s just her name. And she has an album called Brat that’s come to represent having fun with your friends, staying out late…”

Grandma: “DRUGS!”

You: “No no, more like… a burrito at 4am and your cell phone battery ran out?”

Grandma: “My cell phone battery runs out all the time! In fact-”

Related: What Is the Brat Girl Summer and Which Stars Are Having One?

Charli XCX Put the pore-cleansing facial strips and green juice down, Brat Girl Summer is here, and it means we can all stop making an effort. Or, at least, simply make an effort to look like we’ve made no effort whatsoever. Are you following? Allow Us to explain. Charli XCX’s acclaimed new album Brat has […]

How to Explain Brat to … Your Kid

Kid: “When I went on the playdate with Harper, her mom said I’m having a brat summer, what does it mean?”

You: “That’s interesting sweetie, what was happening when she said that?”

Kid: “Well I had just fed Cheetos to their cat and then I wrote ‘stinky poo’ on the wall with a Sharpie. She said I can’t come back so I rolled my eyes and said I don’t care.”

You: “Sweetie! You shouldn’t have done those things! It does sound quite brat though and I’m proud of you for being honest. I think that’s what Charli XCX would do too. But I’m just going to call Harper’s mom now and let her know you won’t be having a brat fall. Maybe you can write her a note?”

Kid: “Or a song!”

How to Explain Brat to Your … Exhausted Friend Who Just Had a Baby

Exhausted friend: “I feel horrible, I used to be cool and now I keep seeing all these memes about brat summer and I just don’t understand, what did I miss?”

You: “So Charli XCX has an album called Brat and it’s started this whole movement. It’s like, you wear a faded old tank top and your roots are coming through and you don’t take your makeup off except when you use wet wipes on your whole body because you can’t be bothered to shower and you stay up all night and mostly eat junk food and binge watch trash while everyone is at their boring jobs.”

Exhausted friend: “That is literally my life right now.”

You: “Yay! You’re still cool!”

Related: Enter Your Brat Summer Era With These 12 Outfit Ideas

It’s safe to say that celeb-loved movements thrive during the summer. Now that we’re basking in the feel-good vibes of warm sunny days, there’s a new aesthetic on the rise, courtesy of Charli XCX. Enter brat summer! If you’ve scrolled online recently, you’ve probably seen the seasonal moniker. It’s such a hit that Kate Spade New […]

How to Explain Brat to … Your Boss

Boss: “So I’m hearing that we should be using ‘brat summer’ in our marketing, can anyone explain?”

You: “Sure, it comes from the new Charli XCX album, it’s like a ‘don’t care’ attitude, it’s very Gen Z and younger millennial. But if you don’t mind me saying, I’m not entirely sure it’s appropriate for our business.”

Boss: “We have to do it. Everyone else is, I don’t want to look like we’re not, as they say, ‘down with the kids’”

You: “With all due respect, we’re the nation’s 17th most popular car insurance provider for the over 60s, I’m unsure if we need to be, as they say, ‘down with the kids’?”

Boss: “Nope, I can see it now. ‘Today’s brat summer, tomorrow’s peace of mind.’ Can you action this by the end of the day?”

You: “I quit. Now who’s brat?”

How to Explain Brat to … Your Partner Who Hates Social Media

You: “Wait, you haven’t heard of brat summer? HOW?”

Your partner: “Is this one of those TikTok things? You’ve got to stop wasting so much time on social media.”

You: “You were scrolling your phone for 45 MINUTES in the bathroom this morning!”

Your partner: “I was reading the news. I only go on the good internet. It’s not the same as you being addicted to Instagram.”

You: “Seriously, brat summer is all over the good internet too. It’s kind of like the hot mess thing from years ago only more … brunette?”

Your partner: “Hot girl summer? I remember that one.”

You: “No no, that’s different too. OK so I saw a funny guy on Instagram describe brat as ‘the backlash to wellness culture and the Kylie Jennerification of planet earth’, does that help?”

Your partner: “Guys don’t use Instagram.”

You: “My next boyfriend will.”