Late Night Takes Shots at Trump’s Liquor Tariff Threat

Welcome to Best of Late Night, a rundown of the previous night’s highlights that lets you sleep — and lets us get paid to watch comedy. Here are the 50 best movies on Netflix right now.
Sobering Thoughts
On Thursday, President Trump threatened to impose a 200 percent tariff on wine, champagne and spirits imported from Europe.
Jimmy Kimmel pointed to the irony of Trump “making it very expensive to get drunk. He’s the reason we need to get drunk!”
“Only 35 percent of Americans have a positive view of Elon Musk. Fifty-three percent view him negatively, and 12 percent felt it would be inappropriate to respond because they are currently pregnant with one of his children.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“Driving a Tesla used to mean you were a big-city, green juice-drinking, yoga liberal. Now, nobody knows what it means.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
“Maybe this is all a ruse. Elon somehow tricked MAGA into driving electric cars. Maybe he really is a genius.” — JIMMY KIMMEL
The Bits Worth Watching
Stephen Colbert gave the actor Gary Oldman a list of forbidden words for network television before their interview on Thursday’s “Late Show.”