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Drew Carey Reacts to ‘Judgmental’ Crowd During The Price Is Right



Drew Carey Reacts to ‘Judgmental’ Crowd During The Price Is Right

Drew Carey couldn’t help but notice how the Price Is Right audience reacted to a recent contestant’s playing style.

The game show uploaded a clip via its official Instagram earlier this month of a player named Brian who was participating in the classic game Switcheroo. Brian was tasked with selecting the missing number from five prizes — including a car. He had 30 seconds to decide which numbers he wanted to put in each square and Brian decided to take his time and think things out.

“25 seconds,” Carey said to let Brian know how much time he had left on the clock and the crowd was yelling for the contestant to keep going. “20 seconds. He’s not rushing as much as everyone else that plays this game does.”

Brian finished the puzzle with 10 seconds to spare. Carey counted down the remaining seconds on the clock and when the buzzer went off the crowd reacted negatively to Brian’s answers — which took the host by surprise.

Related: Drew Carey Says Many ‘Price Is Right’ Contestants Show Up Drunk or High

Drew Carey has seen it all during his tenure hosting The Price Is Right, including encounters with contestants who’ve shown up drunk or high. “Oh, that happens here all the time. They’ll have a gummy or I’ll smell alcohol on their breath,” Carey, 66, told TV Insider in an interview published on Monday, June 24. […]

“Well good morning judgmental,” Carey quipped which earned a laugh from the audience.

Carey went on to check Brian’s work and revealed that he had two correct despite the crowd’s lack of faith.

“Now one of [the correct answers] might be the car. Do you want another 30 seconds to try [again]?” Carey asked and Brian agreed. “Let’s put another 30 seconds on the clock. Get ready to Switcheroo them up. 3, 2, 1 go!”

Brian ran back to the board to re-examine his answers and change what he thought could be potentially wrong. He looked to the crowd for their opinions on what he should swap. Brian changed the price of the car first and the audience shouted at him in disagreement.

“The crowd is going bananas and he put the 2 back,” Carey narrated as Brian opted to go back to his original number for the car.

After switching the car number back, Brian ultimately decided to change his answers for the ice scraper and pillow prizes before time ran out. Carey had Brian’s answers checked again. Despite making changes, Brian only had one correct.

“Uh oh,” Brian said and Carey replied, “Hopefully it is the car.”

The Switcheroo board revealed that the one answer Brian had gotten right was indeed the vehicle, which was a Toyota Corolla.

“Oh my God!” Brian exclaimed and ran around the stage in excitement.

Carey has been the host of The Price Is Right since 2007 following Bob Barker’s retirement. Over the years, Carey has seen an array of wild moments on the CBS game show from wild answers to on-stage injuries. As the show continues to run, Carey doesn’t see himself retiring from the gig anytime soon.

“I just show up and punch the clock and hope I have a job every day,” Carey said in a June interview with TV Insider. “I don’t think in terms of I’m the longest one. I do have a goal: I want to keep going until I die. This is my 18th season. I’ve got to get the 35 and 41 so I can catch Bob Barker and Pat Sajak.”