Justin Bieber Feels Business Managers Squandered a Fortune, Considering Legal Action
Justin Bieber thinks it’s way too late to say “Sorry” when it comes to some of his former business managers — he thinks they grossly mismanaged his money, and it could be time to take legal action.
Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … Justin’s been very upset for several years, claiming he’s lost a ton of money as a result of terrible decisions made by business managers — we don’t know how many managers, but we do know it’s more than one.
It’s unclear just how much Justin thinks has been squandered — other than it’s a huge amount — but our sources say he’s discussing the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the alleged offenders. We’re told his current team is split — some members want him to sue, but others don’t.
We’re told the argument against suing is that Justin went through a period where he was spending wildly. Translation — he caused his own problem.
Justin is not struggling financially … he sold his music catalog in January, 2023 for $200 million, and before the sale, our sources say his net worth was around $100 million.
We’re told no decision has been made as to whether Justin will file suit … discussions are ongoing.